
Private Investigators in Franklin, TN

Do you really need to hire a private investigator?

By now, you need a private investigator that can find information and the legally admissible proof to protect your family or your business. Our private investigators are certified, insured, and licensed in multiple states. You deserve an investigator with the experience to design and implement an investigation to meet your needs.

We are local and do not outsource! You want a private investigator you can talk to and not a switchboard operator. You can’t let it go on any longer and not call us today to get the surveillance you need to win your case!

Licensed in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama!
Your initial consultation is free. Call Now 615-777-8555

All you have to do is contact us. Our private investigator can meet you in the privacy of your own home or at our business.

Bald man in a black suit with a green plaid tie and pocket square, standing against a dark background, looking at the camera.

Cheating Spouse investigator

Cheating Spouse

Have you noticed any changes in your spouse’s behavior? Have there been unexplained absences, phone calls, text messages or emails?

Child Custody investigations

Child Custody

Being unable to trust those who are responsible for your child’s welfare can be terrifying. Do you suspect physical abuse or drug and alcohol use?

Process Server in Franklin, TN

Process Serving

King & King can have anybody served for you, in the United Sates, with ease. We are a member of a national association of process servers.